Best Mobile App Design Practices to Delight User Experience

Best Mobile App Design Practices to Delight User Experience

Mobile app development starts and ends for and by the user. If the mobile app has failed, the reason behind it is poor user experience. So do you think the mobile app design best practices start with the app design cost? 

Well, the app design cost can be studied later. Firstly, you need to understand that if you are looking to develop an app for your business, the mobile app design rules to follow for successful working. 

Without a thorough understanding of the customer’s need, in-app behavior, patterns, the designing thinking process cannot be successful. Find insights into the practices that a designer undertakes while designing a mobile app. 

Principles of Mobile App Design

In building applications, we found a few best practices and would help others design the applications. 

Less Information with Better Experience

Reduce the effort of users to find and scroll through a lot of information. Keep the content clear, precise, and organized. Break more comprehensive data into smaller and meaningful sections. Arrange users to save the state content to read later and not re-engage them from the start. 

Users will like to start from the place where they stopped. Focus on engaging the users without overwhelming them with too much information and interruptions. 

No User Interface Should Be Visible

Remove the unnecessary elements of the app design that do not support the user’s task. Keep the interface light and visible to the user with a few cards to display. Use white space to make the content readable. 

A successful app presents limited features that are important and useful to the user. Prioritizing the content will simplify the UI of the app and increase the UX. Use simple language without any acronyms or cultural specific axioms. Use relevant phrases and words that are easy to understand. 

 Get Rid of Unnecessary Clutter

Get rid of unnecessary design and reduce clutter. Follow a simple thumb rule of keeping only one click or action per slide or screen. Avoid early login walls, let the users read the content and develop interest. Try to avoid bulk information to prevent delays in the processing capacity. 

Easy Navigation 

Easy navigation inspires users to read the content and keep digging in the app. It implements the way that supports the structure by occupying a little screen space. Set prominent UI paths and destinations to accommodate the needs of the app’s users.  

Icon and other elements in the app should be available to help the users understand the menu options. Keep it simple and recognizable for the users so that it does not drive down the engagement or confuse the users. The app should have minimum search effort, and if the search option is the key, it should be visible to the users. This can be one of the best mobile app design practices to implement to get a more significant number of users. 

One-Hand Operation

With the update of mobile phones, the screen size is getting more extensive, and as users use one hand to operate, it becomes difficult to access the elements or functions of the app. Place the top-level menu or elements that you think the users would frequently use within reach of the users. 

The standard action and controls should be easily accessible, but the hard ones that are tricky and destructive should be placed away so that the user cannot tap them. 

Speed of the Content

The app should be fast and responsive. To make the interaction enjoyable, welcome the user’s feedback to help users understand the app operations better. The visual feedback will avoid the guesswork of the user. 

Perception is the key when the users are waiting. If you give them something meaningful to read, they will forget the waiting time and get distracted by other content. Change the backend process to modify anything. This will not interrupt the frontend usage of the app. 

Timely and Useful Notifications

The user’s phone is always filled with irrelevant notifications every day. So, think twice before sending them any notification or an SMS, irrelevant and just for promotion sake messages will push them to uninstall your app. 

Don’t overdo with push messages; it should only distract them from the interruption by other notifications. Choose the right time to send them the push notifications. You can use multiple options like e-mail, push notifications, in-app notifications to gain their attention and create engagement. 

Also Read: reload button

Different from Web Experience 

Using the same UI as the website will make it difficult for users to read the content and enjoy surfing. When it comes to mobile apps, users expect specific interactions. Maintain subtle color palette, typography and other design elements for a better visual experience. 

A seamless user experience throughout the application will gain the user’s trust. It will achieve quick scanning as user behavior and easy to convey the information. Avoid underlined links, create dead-end pages, and allow caching of data to be used even without the internet. 

Provide Security 

Wait for the user to provide any information that proves them to be a repeated user. Do not pop up with the registration page as soon as they log in or get some information. 

Ensure that you provide transparent policies to allow them to share their personal information within the mobile application. Reinforce their ability to believe that they are providing their personal information to trusted and secured applications. 


The UI and UX should be adequate no matter which device they use. Personalize the UX by leveraging user data to help the users prevent distractions. 

Personalization with the speed of the content should push the users towards reading the relevant content and keep them engaged. 

Use Animations

Create a natural feel-like design that connects emotionally to the user with animations and micro-interactions. These catch the attention of the users and create the right mood. It helps in preventing any clutter or extra text to add. 

The immediacy of transitions gives the sense of application reacting to appear more responsive and acknowledge gestures with subtle UI changes. It increases the performance.

Customer Engagement

Gradual engagement of the users gives you the actual benefits and can help in modification if needed for the users. The mobile app design guidelines say that the user’s first-time experience should be to understand how the mobile app works and why not filling out the registration form is acceptable. 

Act In Time

Reveal relevant features only when the need arises. Dismiss the keypad when it’s not needed and communicate with in-built functions. Reveal useful information or pop-ups only when the users need it and not all the time. 

What common mistakes have mobile app design guides researched while making a mobile app design? Let’s have a look. 

  • Poor first impression
  • Designing without a purpose
  • Optimize the user flow
  • Not considering the app development budget
  • Excessive design features
  • Irrelevant app context
  • Frequent push notifications
  • Complicating the app design
  • Inconsistent design
  • Under utilizing the app testing


The user interface is the difference between a good and a bad app design. The best way to reach success is fast loading times, ease of use, and customer satisfaction while using the application. 

Mobile app design best practices are easy to read but hard to follow. With the help of the best technologies, it is essential to use the latest software in the design. 


Tech Today Trends

Shiva Ram is a SEO Copywriter, Content Creator and he is specialized in Digital Marketing. He had the interest to write content related to technology, Business, Apps, Digital Marketing and many more.

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