The Ultimate Guide on People Management,How to become a Good people manager

The Ultimate Guide on People Management,How to become a Good people manager

What is people management?

People management is a subset of human resource management, is the act of organizing employees and building teams to optimize business performance. Successful people management involves hiring and training the right employees, guiding and empowering each employee to reach their full potential, communicating effectively with all teams, and directing all team members toward a common goal.
People management involves organizing your team in a way that increases productivity and optimizes efficiency. When you have the right employees, properly train your team, and collaborate with employees to achieve your goals, you set your team up for success.

Effective people management:

People management is a part of human resources management that encompasses all the processes of acquisition, optimization and retention of talent in the organization. It involves training, leading, and motivating team members to maximize workplace productivity and enhance overall professional growth.

People management skills:

  • Communication
  • Active listening
  • Empathy
  • Trust
  • Flexibility
  • Motivator
  • Conflict resolution
  • Problem-solving
  • Patience
  • Organization
  • Leadership
  • Accountability
  • Adaptability
  • Empowering
  • Ability to appreciate
  • Make the most of strengths
  • Trigger good performance
  • Tailor to learning styles

A people management system leveraged to manage team members has a significant influence on the overall operation of the company. As such, people managers must adhere to these practices as a holistic puzzle without deviating from the main objective of the business.

Why is people management important?

A poorly managed team can negatively impact multiple aspects of your business; However, a properly managed team can improve company morale, optimize production and efficiency levels, and give your company a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Key components of people management:

  • Creating the workforce of the future
  • Understanding people who make up the organization
  • Establishing effective communication
  • Setting the ground for better, more reliable and faster collaboration
  • Making the best use of healthy differences

Understanding how to organize teams can give small businesses an additional competitive advantage in the marketplace. According to Bainbridge, since small businesses often lack the budget or market presence like their larger corporate counterparts, maximizing a smaller pool of resources is crucial – this includes optimizing their human capital and prioritizing team orchestration.

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How to become a Good People Manager

Effective people management is important to the productivity and performance of any organization. People managers are leaders who care about the growth and well-being of each employee and also manage people effectively. Understanding basic people management skills can help you discover your strengths and identify areas for improvement.Listed below are the Ways to become a Good People Manager

  • Be human
  • Be interested
  • Be approachable
  • Be calm and collected
  • Admit your mistakes
  • Make wellbeing a priority
  • Be flexible
  • Strike a balance
  • Listen
  • Adjust your style
  • Don’t hire talent, develop it
  • Encourage knowledge sharing
  • Push their comfort zone
  • Reward success
  • Continually raise standards
  • Step in at the right moment
  • Keep learning
  • Get a mentor or a coach
  • Question everything
  • Encourage feedback
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Leverage technology
  • Demonstrate a ‘can-do’ attitude
  • Focus on the customer
  • Make time for people management
  • Accept that plans change
  • Don’t micromanage
  • Take (calculated) risks
  • Find and address the root cause
  • Involve your team
  • Time-box admin
  • Lead the change
  • Deal with difficult situations
  • Set both performance and development goals
  • Set management goals
  • Share your goals
  • Use data
  • Review progress regularly
  • Care about the company
  • Understand and follow company policy
  • Manage upwards
  • Communication is key
  • Command respect
  • Lead by example
  • Value people’s time
  • Discourage rivalry
  • Show you care
  • Practice what you preach
  • Stay professional
  • Take responsibility

People managers improve communication in the workplace and prepare employees for success by using their people management skills. From managing interpersonal conflicts to building corporate culture, they play an important role in the success of an organization. People managers understand their team members and care about the organization and the people within it.

Top People Management Tips:

People management differs from performance management in that it extends beyond considerations of employees’ work and instead focuses more broadly on the well-being of employees. While performance management is about the ongoing process of establishing and evaluating employee progress against set goals, people management is about enabling employees to solve problems and engage effectively with other team members.

People management starts with listening

Good listening is essential to the management role, and it starts before you even sit down to speak to an employee. The keys to good listening include keeping an open mind and not jumping to conclusions before or during conversations, according to Dianne Schilling, an expert in emotional intelligence.This means that you cannot assume what an employee is thinking, what is their problem or what is the solution to their problem; you must put aside your preconceived notions and ask them. Even if they think the cause of a problem is obvious, a great manager listens with the intention of understanding as much as possible about the situation; They are not just breaking in with a possible solution.

Separate personal problems from organizational ones

Employees are going to have problems and you will have to help solve them. But not all problems are the same. The root causes of problems in the workplace are often divided into two categories: personal and organizational. They may manifest themselves in the same way when talking to one or more employees, but understanding the difference will save you from a disproportionate response. Treating an organizational problem as if it were personal is like putting a plaster on a broken window. Similarly, treating a personal problem as an organizational one is like remodeling your kitchen to become a better cook.

Understand each employee’s purpose

People want to work on projects that they believe they can do well on, and when given the opportunity to do what they do best, they feel more connected to their work. Identifying exactly what an employee likes about their role, or why they may be fighting for a promotion, allows you to frame solutions in a way that helps employees gain perspective from their broader context at the company.

Balance praise and criticism wisely

Employees need a balance of praise and criticism to thrive. If you only praise good work, you will be seen as a straw man who does not help employees grow. But if you only share the criticism, your employees will be nervous and demoralized.

Always ask employees open-ended question

Perhaps most importantly, this board of directors is an easy way to build trust with your employees and be a better manager. Indicate that you care and want to know about their problems, even if it is not explicitly on the agenda. People management is based on interpersonal relationships, and building them from each meeting is a great way to connect.

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Reader’s Note: When good managers step in as needed to keep teams running and employees motivated, great managers are proactive and in tune with the needs of their workplace. Employees are not going to magically resolve all their disputes and find the perfect path to develop to achieve their career goals.

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Shiva Ram is a SEO Copywriter, Content Creator and he is specialized in Digital Marketing. He had the interest to write content related to technology, Business, Apps, Digital Marketing and many more.

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