Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Definition,Models,Features,use cases etc

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Definition,Models,Features,use cases etc

What is IaaS?

Before discussing the use cases and benefits of an IaaS solution, let’s briefly recall what it is. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is an approach to Cloud Computing where a service provider or Cloud Computing provider provides and manages the technological infrastructure as a service ( networks, storage, computing, etc.) on a pay-per-use basis and under a monthly fee. which can be fixed or variable, depending on the provider’s offer.

The objective of an IaaS solution is to offer computing resources to the company so that it can save on the administration and maintenance of the infrastructure, but with the ability to decide on the type of virtual machines to choose, the memory or processor capacity, etc. The existing hardware is completely transparent for the company, which manages its resources virtually.

Cloud Computing models:

Depending on the location of the infrastructure, we can differentiate between the following Cloud Computing models:

Public Cloud: It is a cloud implementation model where the infrastructure and computing services of a cloud provider are shared among several organizations through the public Internet network. The main public clouds are Azure, Microsoft’s public cloud, Google Cloud Platform, and AWS, Amazon’s public cloud.

Private Cloud: It is a cloud deployment model in which computing resources are reserved property, and a single organization hosts and manages the system.

Hybrid cloud: It is a deployment model where one or more public cloud and private cloud environments are combined, by connecting the different environments. It is a service modality that is growing a lot due to the advantages they offer, being able to take advantage of the particular benefits of each environment.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): use cases and reasons

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of having an agile and scalable technological infrastructure, many companies have not yet relied on their infrastructure as the engine and driver of digital transformation. An IaaS solution helps companies create profitable, efficient and easily scalable technology environments, as well as increasing the operational resilience of the company. Now we will analyze some of the main use cases and reasons to bet on this type of solution.

Disaster Recovery or Backup Solution

An IaaS solution can be a very good option for the company to have backup or disaster recovery solutions. This type of solution allows us to have a replica of the environment in an external location, which in case the main infrastructure fails, it would be raised to give business continuity to the company until the incident is resolved.

Testing and application development

The pay-per-use and scalability of IaaS solutions are two of the factors that best fit software or other companies, which have to carry out tests and applications development. In this way, we avoid the need to acquire hardware for temporary workloads, which will make it difficult to pay off the iron.

Complex web page hosting

If we have a complex web page, with high traffic and databases, having a dedicated and highly scalable infrastructure can be a very good option to guarantee the availability of our website and offer a good user experience.

Migration of critical services to improve performance

On many occasions, we have a business application, which is essential for the day-to-day of the company. In these scenarios, an IaaS solution can give us access to the resources we need at all times, with the aim of offering high computing performance.

Large-scale data analysis (Big Data)

Data analysis and processing requires great computational power. IaaS solutions allow companies to manage large numbers of workloads and integrate business intelligence tools. In these scenarios, the most normal thing is to access the hyperescalar infrastructure of Google or Microsoft, since its computing power is far superior to any private cloud infrastructure.

Reduce IT Infrastructure costs

If you currently have a physical server farm in your company, you need qualified IT personnel for their administration and maintenance, in addition to making long-term estimates for their purchase and renewal.

By moving to an IaaS model, you can focus the efforts of your IT staff on tasks that generate value, and not maintenance and updating tasks. In addition, with the pay-per-use model, you will always be paying for the resources you need and have available at the moment, so the investment will be much more efficient and you will be able to react in a much more agile way to possible commercial peaks.

Features of an IaaS solution

Higher performance and lower capitalization expenses

When we access an IaaS solution, offered by a cloud computing provider , like us at beServices, you access a more reliable, solid and redundant infrastructure than what could be implemented in an office environment. In addition, you save the initial costs associated with the purchase, maintenance and configuration of the hardware, reducing the capital expenses associated with the IT budget.

Increased security

The data centers where the infrastructures of the cloud computing providers are housed comply with high security measures, which would be unthinkable for an office environment. If the infrastructure that supports your business is not secure, your company is at risk. In our case, we comply with ISO 27001 (Information security) and ISO 20000 (IT support and management services) and our cloud infrastructure is located in national territory, in a TIER II + data center that meets the highest standards. From the market.

Greater scalability and flexibility

An IaaS solution, unlike on-premises infrastructure, allows us to scale both up and down the contracted resources as needed and on demand. In this way, we have greater flexibility in adjusting our computing resources to business peaks.

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Tech Today Trends

Shiva Ram is a SEO Copywriter, Content Creator and he is specialized in Digital Marketing. He had the interest to write content related to technology, Business, Apps, Digital Marketing and many more.

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