Boost Your Marketing Strategy In 2022 With New Technologies
The importance of a digital marketing strategy lies in the fact that it gives unity and consistency to business and communication efforts, allowing a clear path to be followed. In addition, digital media is enhancing the way in which brands have a presence and generate business. Communication is no longer linear, as it used to be with traditional ATL (above the line) advertising.
In the midst of so much information to which people are exposed, a company or organization must work on its digital strategy to guarantee the correct presence that clearly guides its consumers during the purchase process. In recent times, technology has become a fundamental tool to enhance different digital marketing strategies. Thus, mobile applications have been transformed and updated to help develop powerful campaigns to boost brands.
Smart goals for a digital marketing strategy in 2022
S: Specific.
If the objective is too general, we will not find focus and it is likely that we will have to fragment it. The more specific and timely it is, the faster we will find it actionable.
M: Measurable.
What is not measured can not be improved. With a metric, we can establish comparisons to accumulate improvements over time.
A: Achievable.
Data helps generate realistic expectations. The fulfilment of objectives will depend directly on the resources available.
R: Relevant.
In digital marketing, we can achieve many things, but not all of them will be useful. For one business it may be important to grow its community, for another, it is not relevant.
T: Time.
We need delivery dates. Goals must have a review date.
The time spent defining SMART goals in a digital marketing strategy will likely prevent unnecessary hiccups in the planning and execution process. Good objectives order our efforts, give focus, generate action and establish clear expectations between client and executor.
The best technologies that you can apply in your marketing strategy in 2022
WhatsApp business
- Implementing WhatsApp Business is one of the digital marketing strategies that has maximized the use of mobile applications. Its recent update has allowed hundreds of brands to position themselves in this social network with their business.
- A marketing strategy on WhatsApp implies a close relationship with the audience, since it allows direct communication with users, in addition to sending valuable content so that they prefer your business. Thus, campaigns through this platform can be part of global inbound marketing strategies, customer service, among others.
- The new update of this app allows you to create a commercial profile in your application. In this way, you will be able to create marketing campaigns, publish your list of products and achieve a close relationship with the client through the new functions included in this platform.
- Some of the main features of this new version of the app are the option to add important data about the organization, location, hours, description, links, among other features of the company profile.
- In addition, it provides quick and automatic responses that can be configured as bots depending on the response you want to provide. So you can say hello, notify your absence or others through instant messaging.
- A novelty that stands out is the statistics dashboard that will provide you with statistics on the messages delivered, sent, read, and received. This, among other innovations, will allow you to have more fluid communication with your audience, creating a more direct and close communication channel with your audience.
- It is important that you clearly define the objectives that you will have when using this platform since they can be sending messages to potential clients or generating automatic message responses.
- In addition, you must take into account good communication and content of the messages, as well as create attractive audiovisual content for your target audience.
- It is important that WhatsApp marketing strategies help you create a list of contacts or databases with which you can work and give immediate responses to your potential customers.
Artificial intelligence
This tool is another of the technologies that will allow you to boost your business and your profits. Artificial intelligence is based on the development of tools capable of giving users a better experience with a minimum margin of error.
Chatbots are a very important strategy with which you can achieve greater interaction with your audience, in addition to generating an automatic response and being available 24 hours a day, something highly valued by the public.
Email marketing
Email marketing has become a tool that could improve your marketing strategy with your audience. With email marketing, you can improve the customer experience and build personalized content. Thus, you will achieve better profits, since your customers will be able to know the location and hours of the business, as well as how to buy and other similar data.
Another strategy is to personalize your communication with the audience, so you can use their data on preferences, behaviors, and context to enhance your marketing strategy. The effectiveness of email marketing lies in the fact that all messages are sent automatically, always taking into account specific customer data. And you use this strategy?
Social media
Without a doubt, social networks are the most competitive tools within digital marketing and customer experience, since they allow you to better understand the audience and their preferences to provide the content they like the most.
Also, they present information of interest through their metrics that will turn your company into a brand with personality and authenticity within the industry. Like the WhatsApp application, there are different platforms such as Instagram and Facebook that have pioneered technological advances in digital marketing.
If you don’t have time or experience to implement your marketing plan, you can consult with an expert in this field or hire a digital marketing company to customize your marketing strategy . With this, brands have managed to improve their performance, shortening response times and providing better customer service, customizing solutions, and providing outstanding service.
Because marketing technology goes hand in hand with reducing operational costs and boosting your brand’s sales, it is important that you know the best technologies so that you can position your business to the maximum and get the most out of the many tools that are available today, for you.
Author Bio: Raunak Pandey is a Mechanical Engineer by qualification & Marketer by passion. He is the co-founder of Maiden Stride, a leading digital marketing company that provides world-class search engine marketing services and website & application development